
Tahukah Anda, Inilah Alasan Kenapa Gaji Pesebakbola Sangat Mahal, Ga Nyangka!

Devi 16 Jan 2023, 22:50
Foto : Internet
Foto : Internet

RIAU24.COM  - Did you know, football players are now rich.

Messi alone has a monthly salary of 600 times higher than the Prime Minister, let alone Ronaldo. How did it happen?

Reporting from Goal, in the past many parents were against their son playing football because they thought there was no future there.

But now, that view is starting to fade because this sport can really boost the economy as well as the degree of a family.


In today's era, it's easy to find footballers paying tens, hundreds and even billions of rupiah each month, but that of course depends on the ability and quality of the individual.

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